Sunday, September 8, 2013

School Tips

Back to School and back to a routine.

Good afternoon, lovelies! Today I wanted to post another "Back to School" post since everyone should be back in school by now! So, I'll start off with tips on how to keep your locker organized for those little munchkins that are entering or are in middle school!
So, in order to start decorating your locker, you have to find out what works best for you. Are you very neat and organized? Or do you just go with the flow and like things everywhere? It's all upon you and how you are organized. If you are someone that likes to be organized, here are some tips for you. Tip number one would have to be to know what size your locker is. Depending on how big, small, wide, and narrow will make a big difference on buying utensils to fit into your locker. You can purchase some locker shelves from your local target and can stack them to your  liking. I suggest make three divisions: The bottom one, try to make it small so you can place your pencils, erasers, high lighters, markers, colored pencils, tissues, paper clips and so on. Next, your middle section should be the biggest so that you can place your books here or any other large object. Finally, the top section should be so you can place your notebooks, folders, and binders. On the side from your locker, you can always buy some magnetic containers from your local Wal-Mart, k-mart, target, or The Container store for extra storage. Finally, you can decorate the remaining part of your locker to your liking. Some girls like adding mirrors and a small container underneath it to place their makeup, brushes, "mother nature" supplies, and just small shrinkets to decorate their locker. By following these tips, your locker will be organized and clean all year long!
 Now, if you are not the organized type, that's cool too. Fersure I was one of them! But my tip (more like advice) is to get into the habit of getting organized. By throwing everything in your locker, you create a jungle of a mess in there. You can lose important papers, rip and tear notes or book, and well just a lot of horrible things start to happen all because you we're not organized. So, to survive this year, get organized!

Then, for a high school and college level advice from me would have to be to just enjoy being in school and quit hating to go. I know, we all have those days where we just dread getting up due to talking late to friends, being on social networks, or catching up with your favorite show. We're all guilty of that. My advice would have to be the sooner you break that horrible routine, the better. There's nothing better than to wake up in the morning and feeling refreshed, energized, and up for anything! When you wake up feeling great, chances are that you are going to have a great day. Start off you day by being in a great and positive attitude, having a great breakfast, and just stay optimistic throughout your day. Your day gets even better when you surround yourself with great friends with positive attitudes. Enjoy going to school, enjoy learning, enjoy socializing with your friends, enjoy those funny and stupid moments you create with friends, but most importantly, enjoy life. Life is precious and we must value it every single day. Be thankful that you have seen the sun rise and set for some don't have time to see another glorious day.
xoxo, Johana


  1. NIce post! I really like your blog.
    check out mine :)

    1. Sorry for the late reply, love!
      Thanks so much for taking the time and reading my blog! and of course ill take the time to read yours!
      xoxo, Johana
